Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 7:42 PM
Sick; i'm s-i-c-k!!!And a head that feels like it's spinning like hell and a clogged nose.Fever plus cold, damn irritating.Shouldn't have gone to school today,but i don't wanna miss lesson{later can't catch up},morning was fine, but afternoon was terrible,in the end didn't go for SSP and guides,all i wanted was to get home as soon as possible.Shall go to the doctor later after dinner.Thank god tomorrow's a holiday; which is Good Friday.But the bad thing is that there is alot alot alot of homework.And there is homework for all three sciences, which means carrying the {extremely} heavy textbooks home.The minute i reach home, i just threw all the books and the {also very heavy} bag on the nearest sofa, feeling damn sick and tired.D.gray-man ep 75 tomorrow, hope i don't miss it=]
Monday, March 17, 2008 @ 7:27 PM
TAG REPLIES=DDDTIFFANY: HELLO!!!! Yah, i noe, she saw my file got the D.gray-man picture=]kelly: OKAY!KEYING: I LOVE KANDA TOO=] AND ALSO LAVI AND ALLEN WALKER!!!huiting: agree; kanda's cool; all of them are nice lah.
@ 7:22 PM
I see this world exactly 15 years ago and felt the beauty of life.
Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 8:53 AM
Blogging @ 8 going 9 am in the morning isn't the usual me,
but who cares, i'm here to blog!!
I realise i can get lame at times,
recently during dinner time, i asked my mom...
Me: If SSP stands for Short Structured Programme, what is SP?
My mom: *looks at me and paused* ermm...short prprprogramme?
Me: NONO!! Simple Plan!!
And there was this few seconds of silence{how cold}.
D.gray-man again=]
It's the manga and i'm having this picture on my file cover=DDD
Wanting to change blog song,
but i'm having trouble accessing
Shall just put the song 'I write sins not tragedies' from Panic! At The Disco since i already have the code.
Panic! At the Disco; I write sins not tragedies
Oh, well imagine; as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor,
and I can't help but to hear, no I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words:
"What a beautiful wedding, what a beautiful wedding!" says a bridesmaid to a waiter.
"Yes, but what a shame, what a shame, the poor groom's bride is a whore."
I'd chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality
I'd chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense ohhhh
Well in fact well i'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved!
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne!
Oh! Well in fact well i'll look at it this way,
I mean technically our marriage is saved!
Well this calls for a toast, so pour the champagne,
pour the champagne!
I'd chime in with a "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
I'd chime in "Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!"
No, it's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of poise and rationality.
Sunday, March 09, 2008 @ 10:07 PM
Just finished watching 'totoro',
and i feel like watching 'spirited away' now.
Both are great shows from a great creator,
which is also the reason for me to watch 'spirited away' for about 20 times{i'm not kidding!!} so far.
Went to J8 as usual for violin lessons,
it kinda feels different{maybe it 'cause the march holiday is here},
anyway, i saw the looney tunes plushie at comic collection today,
aww, it's really cute.
And then i saw the jonas brothers' album and MCR's black parade.
Wish i have them all but it's near impossibility{*sigh*}.
I want Nash{my uncle's dog} as well,
though it's not the breed of my dream, but i still like it alot=].
That's Nash
The latest assembly programme is on last year's exchange programme with the other countries,
and this year, we are given the following choices.
Australia - Perth{9 students only i think}
Australia - Sydney{lit students}
Japan - Kyushu
I wish to go Japan, but it still depends.
The other countries aren't so appealing to me.
Shall end off here,
oral on 10/3 and 11/3 {jiayous!!}.
Saturday, March 08, 2008 @ 10:21 PM

JaguarMake a guess; what's the medium used for the above pictures??Hint: It's not printed, nor was it done using any programme.It's hand drawn using a pencil,two pieces of artwork done by uncle on his living room walls.The March holidays are here!!!One week of break, but not exactly.10/3 - Chinese Oral11/3 - English Oral and most probably guides14/3 - Physic SSP{not confirm}At least i can use the computer throughout the whole week,and sleep all i want,during those 2 weeks of common test, i hardly had enough sleep.I'll finish watching all the D.gray-man episodes that i've missed and read all the latest chapter of the manga.And i'll finish all naruto shippuden episodes{if i can cause i've already missed 6 episodes!!}.But D.gray-man will always come first=]
Saturday, March 01, 2008 @ 2:05 AM

Allen Walker and his Crown Clown
It's 12:08am in the morning,
and i'm in the mood to blog=D
It's another week of tests,
due to the tests, i'm sleeping at 12-1 am in the morning,
next week's gonna be the same.
And Mon's HCL, gotta work hard for it.
*Sigh* History Elect. Paper is so screwed up,
and so is Amath{i think i copied the question wrongly},
how blur could i get??
It's another week before the March holidays,
no plans yet,
but how much things can be done in just 1 week??
But not forgetting the oral exam during the March holiday,
lol, i used to think oral is only for primary schools,
but i guess i've been proven wrong.
I really wanted to watch 'JUMPER' and 'L changes the world'.
But my so-called next free time would probably be in the March holidays.
I think i have plans for the holiday{it's just that they're all jumble up},
gonna bargain with my mom to bring me to the cinema=)
I'll use the theory results,
theory exam seemed easy to score,
but the thing is i never bothered to really concentrate on it,
and i thought it would be fail or juz pass{i really didn't study for it!!}
ended up getting merit{miracle!!!!!}.
'JUMPER' & 'L changes the world'......wait for me!!!