Monday, June 25, 2007 @ 11:53 PM
School felt weird today,too much changes had occurred,but i still have to get use to those changes.It just felt weird,the atmosphere is different from before.I wonder why...There'll be new teachers teaching us.Even our chinese teacher changed{to my surprize}.The new teacher's okay...but i prefer the former teacher.History is a total freak.The teacher's freaky,I don't want to be in her class.Science teacher has to be change,we aren't taking bio anymore.Chemistry teacher is okay, luckily.Maths...yes, a new teacher,but we didn't see her today,'cause there's no maths lesson today.Hope she's a 'okay' teacher.All i know now is to work hard, life is tougher now.ganbatte
Saturday, June 23, 2007 @ 7:14 PM
The Restaurant=] & Some Orchids=]

Friday, June 22, 2007 @ 12:28 AM
Lit SSP in the morning.Our teacher let us off earlier.Aesthetics in the afternoon,abit sian...coz really tired mah.Had two blueblacks on my knees,whenever there's aesthetics,there'll be blueblacks.Gotta go now,there's gonna be another campfire.bai bai=]
Tuesday, June 19, 2007 @ 11:37 PM
Campfire at Bowen secondary=]By right, we should be very high after that,but i guess we're not really THAT high.We met at serangoon interchange at 5pm.Then take 103 to Bowen sec.My cousin's house was somewhere around there too.We arrived there first!!Being first was good...and bad as well.Good...'cause we get the early bird award=]Bad...'cause we got to wait for the rest to arrive.A goodie bag was given when we entered.There was also a board{or something like that} where we write our names,but our seniors write for us already.We have to cross this bridge to get to their parade square{where the campfire is held},it looked rather unstable lah,can be abit{a little little bit only=]} shaky,but everyone crossed safely=]Then we took photos on the bridge{the steps, i mean},feel like falling down,but luckily never fall down lah=]Our seniors opened the goodie bag and give out the tibits inside,it's sweets and chocolate.Somehow, we began throwing sweets at each other,who started it???Then they keep throwing lah.'Sweet Throwing Frenzy'hahas, LOL.The campfire was starting...finally=]Guides from bowen performed,but i don't really understand it, i don't think others understand as well.Then, song session{is it?}.Had fun for song session.There was also this competition where we had to paint a mask.Another competition was cheer competition.We used the cheer that we used for sports day,and when the campfire was ending,there was another cheer.This time round,we kept quiet for10 sec and then shout 'Wooo',and that's it.Didn't get really high this time,last year's campfire at Mayflower was more 'high'.Anyway, we're going to a campfire at mayflower this friday,let's get high again!!!When it's time to go,i asked my dad to come and fetch,he took a year to come,not a year lah, but he took a long time.And when he finally came,he said that i should have waited inside the school,'cause he think that outside the school equals to danger.I think it's safer outside mah,that's why i came out.All schools{at night} gives me creeps,and there're very little people inside the school,everywhere looked dark.My dad didn't really lecture me lah,but it just feels bad.It was also partially my fault lah,i should call him earlier,but it's really hard to estimate the time.Actually there're still some people,but everyone went home soon.That lonely and boring wait,that makes my dad worried.Shall end here for now, bai bai.I gotta find a fragment of that dream, sagasou sagasou sagasou.
Saturday, June 16, 2007 @ 5:30 PM
Quiz~7 weird things about myself~
#1 I prefer Japanese songs among all other songs.
#2 I can listen to a particular {Japanese} song for more than 20 times=]
#3 I WANT Japanese album{nobodyknows+'s Hero's come back} & {Home Made Kazoku's album[but i don't know the name of the album, but obviously is the one with the song 'Itsumo Itsudemo'!!]} & {yui's album[though i also dunno which one, all of them are nice!! =p]}
#4 I get addicted to Japanese animation easily and can watch them repeatedly for many many times=p.
#5 I'm a 100% Singaporean{but people thought i'm from china 'cause of my name :( }.
#6 I love to play my violin but hates practising -.-"
#7 I can't stand still for long, but surprisingly, i can for contingents.
Sunday, June 10, 2007 @ 9:05 PM
Back from Mandai...the food was EXTREMELY NICE!!!Will visit it another time->for sure!This restaurant was inside a orchid farm.And they aren't cooking orchids for us lah{eventhough it's inside the orchid farm}.My dad order their 'zhao pai cai',so so so so nice=] *licks*The environment is also super duper great!It's very peaceful there,it's kinda greenish inside{cause got the plants mah},and the light was quite dim{but not very dim lah, u still can see your food!}.Somemore got so nice music playing.Real relaxing=]Kinda of romantic too. X)I've taken some photos of that place{the boss allowed=], yay!!},but i won't post now,cause i must go and dig out my phone's cable first.But those photos{got orchid, the restaurant--the environment} shall be up soon,post more about the photos when they are uploaded.I think the restaurant also quite busy,and those working there seemed to be very luan also.This restaurant just opened mah,so i think they need more people to help out.The boss of the restaurant is also the one who owns the orchid farm,some of the waiter there works in the farm in the morning and helps out in the restaurant during dinner time. LOLAnyway, jiayous{for this restaurant} lah.It's one of the best restaurants=]'s at Mandai,the orchid farm,visit it definitely won't regret=]It isn't really very ex,so just find someday and go eat!!!remember!!!1h of theory...BORED!!!But the marking of my homework already took 20mins.Still, time seems to be 'walking' rather than 'flying'.2 chapters of's really alot!!Holiday doesn't mean alot of free time leh,it means that something called 'holiday homework' would be given before the holiday,and those 'holiday homework' are meant to occupy most of your holiday time.Holiday's just aren't the same anymore=[My theory grade 4 workbook's nearly finish now,just last week,i was only half way through...and this week,almost finish.It's not do super fast or something,it's 'cause the teacher skip alot{and i meant really alot} of pages.Sonata's better this time round,but why must we keep changing room?Very mah fan de leh.Shall end now......And remember to go to Mandai's orchid farm{what's that farm and restaurant called?} the restaurant there to eat!!!sorry to keep ya waiting.
Saturday, June 09, 2007 @ 11:28 PM
'Kays, i haven't been blogging for like 3 days?Really nothing to post lah,also, i on the com to listen to songs{in this blog}.It's also that i'm too lazy to login to post something,especially when there's really NOTHING to post about.So...what's up with today?...made me login to post something.I said i want to make a new specs mah,so my dad brought me there today.Went to serangoon{but i didn't go zhonghua hor}.Kinda stupid lah,i live in AMK but went to serangoon just to make a pair of new specs.LOL.No lah, it's 'cause my dad know the person there mah,more went to serangoon lor.My dad's also more 'pro' when choosing and also whatever thingy lah{i can't remember}.So we stepped into the shop,quite alot of people,but i think 1 or maybe 2 person is going for a new specs,the rest are family members sitting there doing nothing{extra? maybe helping to choose lah.}Later, my dad went out, leaving me alone,felt kinda lost?!?Then a person asked me to go for a eye check.I think the eye checking took a long time,my dad was there when i came out.And we started choosing the design.The person asked if we're looking for some type of frame or something and my dad said half-frame.Guess what...she brought{i think} about 10 boxes of specs for me to choose,maybe not 10 lah, but at least got 6-8 boxes...WAOH!!!I'm finish with the specs part.Well, again, i've added more songs,but i guess it won't make this blog burst right?There tons of nice songs out there.I admit it--japanese songs so so so so nice!!!Definitely, more songs will be coming=]Tomorrow's Sunday,my dad says he will be bringing us to mandai orchard farm for dinner.We're not eating flowers ok, eventhough it's inside the farm.I think this resturant just opened not long ago.My dad went there and he said the food was great,got to prove that to myself tomorrow,lets see how good the food really is.Shall end here.there'll always be tomorrow, and tomorrow. Everyday's a brand-new day. {'cause i wanted to be there for you no matter what. Be by my side.}
Tuesday, June 05, 2007 @ 10:54 PM
Went to pierce my ear today!!!Actually...quite scared at first,cause i thought the pain would be like 'unbearable'?But it ended up that there was actually very little pain=]At first wanted to enter the shop,but i haven't zuo hao xin li zhun bei,so went to walk around first.Then later, when we walk to the shop,my ask the assistant there...actually i still don't have any xin li zhun bei yet.Since my mom already asked the assistant,so we went in...with my heart thumping and slight tremble.{very kua zhang right?}Then the person use a marker and mark a spot on the ear,then use alcohol to clean,and he took out a 'gun' and put the earring.I'm quite scared at that time{i thought i'll scream, but i never lah=]}The person asked me to close my eyes,he counted to '3' and it went 'BANG'.Not very painful, it just feel like something touch the ear only.Felt very relieve when everything was done.My mom also bought a gold earring,i wanted silver. But i think they only sell gold, so bought a gold earring,very small de.And next time i'm gonna buy a silver one!I guess that's about all lah,post another time, bai bai=]And it went 'BANG'.
Saturday, June 02, 2007 @ 11:05 AM
Went for a hair cut yesterday,my hair is very very thin{thin then not very hot mah} now X)Actually went into the barber 2 times...first time come out, look like never cut,so went in the second time.And now, it's not very short, it's thin=)
Found this thing above on photobucket.Quite wu liao lah...LOL.The nightmare isn't that scary now,i'm getting over it liao.Don't worry=)The freak nightmare would be gone soon!!!Yay, i'm getting over it=)