Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 10:31 AM
Vivo City...
Went to vivo city with my mom yesterday.
There was this shop: Pet Safari
and i found one of my favourite breed there!!!
The siberian husky(:
How sweet~
And also,
there was this roof-top swimming pool(but the water very shallow de)
and the view is quite nice up there,
i took two photos of the view with my handphone.
But didn't spend much time there though as it was drizzing-which was getting slightly heavier each minute.
The vivomart is a replica of Big C!!!
It looked really alike,
maybe they get the idea there,
or is it so coincidence that it looked so much alike.
It's quite big lar,
and the VCD there very cheap,
but not much choice there for me.
Then after lots of looking,
very hungry...so go to the kopitiam to eat,
the chair there is like-transparent de.
While buying bread,
my toes suddenly felt very cramp.
And i kept stretch my toes,
and bear the pain(it more of stress than pain...) until i reach Habourfront station.
...and finally,
it's better, though it still felt abit weird.
Hmm, that should be all about it, post another time(:
Sunday, November 26, 2006 @ 7:13 PM
my theory teacher is abit blinded today,
but i don't know blinded by what(love???)
Stop my crappings lar.
Anyway, he was kinda blinded today.
I wrote correctly,
and he said there was something wrong with my answer.
he rubbed away my answer,
and then wrote the correct answer,
and i sat there,
and was like..."HELLO!!! I am correct, okay???"
But of course, i never say out lar.
The music school is closing soon for dunno what renovation.
And the size of the school and some of the teachers are affected.
But there is something ridiculous about this...
Since the size of the school is smaller,
the rental fee(i suppose) would be less or maybe remain,
but instead...
those who are going to continue their lessons there have to pay an amount(depending on the grade) plus an additional $30+ GST.
and GST is increasing.
So ex lar...
Finished my complaining...
Friday, November 24, 2006 @ 11:32 AM
Lyrics(and meanings) for the second video(:
sotto sotto hitomi tojiteSoftly, softly, i close my eyeskimi o kanjite iru...Feeling you...mata kaze ni sasowarete hitori sora o miageruCalled by the wind again, i look up at the sky alone.aenai yoru wa hoshi ni negai no kakeru noOn ights we can't meet, i send my wish to the starshontou no watashi nante daremo wakanai kedoNobody knows the real me, butkoko ni iru kara matte iru karaBecause i'm here, because i'm waitingkimi dake wa kidzuiteI want only you to notice mezutto zutto yume o miteruFor a long, long time, i've been dreamingomoi ga itsuka todoku you niAs if my feelings will someday reach yousotto sotto hitomi tojiruSoftly, softly, i close my eyeskiete shimawanaideDon't just disappeardare o omotte iru no? nani o mitsumete iru no?Who are you thinking of? What are you looking at?sunao ni narenai no wa watashi ga yowai karaThe reason that i can't be honest is because i'm weakkono mama yoru o koete sugu ni ai ni youkitaiLike this, i pass the nights, wanting to go and see you soonmoshi kanau nara ano toki no you niIf my wish were granted, like that timekimi wa waratte kureru noWould you smile at memotto motto yume o miseteMore and more, i show my dreamsomoi ga togirenai you niAs if my feelings were unstoppableyureru yureru kono kokoro waMy trembling, trembling heartkimi o sagashite iruIs searching for yousora wa kyou mo takaku tookuThe sky today is still high and far awaychiisa na jibun omou kedoI think of my small self, buthoshi mo yami mo kaze mo ashita moThe stars and the dark and the wind and tomorrokimi ni tsudzuite iruAre continuing on to youcredicts
Thursday, November 23, 2006 @ 12:03 PM
YAY, i finish watching my anime!!!Actually...i watch once already,and this is the second time(: .Maybe,i've been ADDICTED!!!
Shall watch it again.Let me break a record.Hmm, even my mom say i'm siao over THAT animation.maybe i'm really siao over it lorx,26 episodes in total...i could watch the whole of it in one day.But i never watch all in one day lar,i only watch half,and continue the other half another day.I CAN REMEMBER EVERY EPISODE OF THAT ANIME!!!
@ 11:56 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006 @ 12:12 PM
Haven't been posting for two days.The new violin was like TOTALLY COOL!!!It sounded just so perfect(:The markings(though i don't know why it sybolize the tiger's strip o.O) were so nice.Awesome...Shall talk some photos and post it here next time.Well, there are obviously better violins there.But the better it is,the higher is the price,and heard(from my violin teacher) that there is a super ex violin there,er...shall not talk too much on THAT violin.anyway, it's really ex( quite alot of digits).and it sounded real sweet(as what my teacher has said).But the violin that i bought is really OK(:I like it.Hmm, even my teacher satisfic with the violin.Actually, it quite miraculous somehow.I thought that most people spent hours and hours there to try and then choose the perfect violin, the one that suit you the most.but...for me...i juz took a while to try out and choose.and...yar, MIRACULOUSLY,i bought a quite perfect one(:Miracles do happen sometimes, but if they happened more offen, how good would it be?
Saturday, November 18, 2006 @ 6:13 PM
I changed my blogskin again(:It's black and pink,a real nice combination.Actually, i changed the colour of the track of the scroll bar.It's by right, transparant.But the effect isn't very nice,so i change into pink(which i felt that it's much better)also, sorry to the designer(cause i change the colour)(:
@ 5:17 PM
I haven't really been blogging this few days,only posting pictures and quizes(or something like that.)Hmm,shall post something today.Well, i guess today's kinda bad.I went to buy my violin today,And i was expected to try out some violins(i expect this too.)But the problem is this: i simply can't think of any to try. my mind was quite blank. i was struggling even on 'do re mi'. it just so happen that i had forgoten much of the music pieces. and also a stinging feel that the whole world is staring. having the word 'sarcastic' scribbled on their faces. i felt a loss of confidence in myself.Also, without the shoulder rest,the hard violin press down hard on my bones,like this,i can barely be able to play something,but luckily,i managed a few pieces,and pull through everything.Being at home is a great relieve.Escaping reality for a while. (:she fought a battle with her fear and she lost severely in this battle leaving a deep hurting scar that reminded her of her fears and pains.
Friday, November 17, 2006 @ 1:26 PM

Thursday, November 16, 2006 @ 11:48 PM
Got this "Does your name match who you are" thing from my primary school friend's blog.Hmm, let's see...KeyA: likes to flirt.B: Likes peopleC: Is wild and crazy.D: Has one of the best personalities ever.E: people want you.F: A DANG GOOD KISSER.G: Never let people tell you what to do.H: Has a very good personality and looks.I: Is always there for their friends.J: Lives life for fun.K: Really awesomeL: Loved by everyoneM: Makes dating funN:Drop dead sexy.O: BEST AT SPORTS.P: Popular with all types of people.Q: A hypocrite.R: Freakin crazyS: Easy to fall in love withT: Really really hottU: Really likes to chill.V: Not judgemental.W: Very broad minded.X: Never let people tell you what to do.Y: One of the best damn bf/gf anyone one could ask for.Z: Always readyH: Has a very good personality and looks.I: Is always there for their friends.N: Drop dead sexyY: One of the best damn bf/gf anyone one could ask for.E: People want you.And in my own opinion...H: oh really???I: kinda trueN: What the HELL. CRAP...Y: -.-" WTHE: -.-"Well, guess my name doesn't really match who i am.Most of the answer really make me -.-"(diaoz)
@ 4:28 PM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006 @ 12:52 PM
Holidays are for us to rot.There isn't any fun stuffs happening.Everyday at home,sitting in front of the computer or television.i'm goona be anime addicted-i think i've already been addicted.
Monday, November 13, 2006 @ 11:43 AM

posted pictures of my chinchilla
Saturday, November 11, 2006 @ 3:14 PM
Belgian Shepherd Groenendael~~~ YYYPicture taken from internetPicture can also be found on www.dogbreedinfo.com.
Friday, November 10, 2006 @ 3:42 PM
CRAPPING as alwaysi really dunno what to blog.Holidays are left for us to rot...i'm real bored.and i don't really wanna even look at those holiday homeworkwhich are collecting dust now xDshall start those homework now?Hiazee...I don't wanna do anything right now(and especially tomorrow)there's guides. tomorrow.Having a headache now,a sharp object hammering in my head,ouch...But i guess i can't escape tomorrow's guides meeting.no excuses, no mc, nothing wrong with me.at least nothing wrong on the outside?jkjk, i'm crapping again.Post till here,and i change my blogskin,yeah, again. (:
Thursday, November 09, 2006 @ 1:18 PM
I think that i have changed about 6 skins(or so) for today.Can't seemed to find any PERFECT skin.Maybe i will still continue to change lorx...provided that i found a skin that i like.Anyway, i edited the "music" section.deleting all the chinese and english songs.don't ask why...{cause i also don't know}Now, it would only be japanese, korean song and some music.
Monday, November 06, 2006 @ 2:44 PM
So bored at home,nothing to do de(other then the whole chunk of holiday homework...)SIAN...SO BORED...
Sunday, November 05, 2006 @ 9:44 PM
Today is juz like any other boring sundays.Had my violin and theory as usual.Every inch in J8 has been stepped on by me and my mom(well, almost every inch.)Though there are still stuffs to buy.I really wanna go some where else,i mean go on a holiday, a trip to another country.Too bad lar, can't go out this year(but hopefully for next year, i will be able to go on a holiday:D)I really enjoy last year's trip to thailand, bangkok.Going there together with my all my family members.Actually, thailand is not too bad.It's only the weather there, it's real hot there.But, of course the heat dosen't affect our holiday mood.We shop like siao :pI think the doorman at the hotel we stayed also think that we are "siao" lorx.It's real funny,'cause we leave our hotel empty handed,and came back with LOADS in our hands.And this occured EVERY SINGLE time we leave the hotel,i'm not joking(:Yep, and we came bad with big plastic bags, small plastic bags...It can be considered a miracle that we were able to stuff all the items that we brought,ranging from dried food to clothes to shoes to etc...too much to name.And the luggage was nearly over-weight.Everyone bought things like as if they were freeWell, i guess the good and fun time will have to end somehow,how i wish that the holiday could last longer...{if only i could lengthen the time whe i was on the holiday}
Saturday, November 04, 2006 @ 11:00 PM
I read this poem from a book and thought that it was quite true.Life is short Don't ever waste it. Life is sweet Take time to taste it. Life is a journey find the right path. Life is enteraining Don't be afraid to laugh. Life is for good times Make them last. Life has its bad times Put them in the past. Life is a chance Make sure you take it But most importantly Life is what you make it.Through this poem,i somehow felt that life should be look in a opptimistic way,and in whatever difficulties faced,we should pluck up courage to go and face it.'cause our actions could somehow determined our future,our destiny.Though there are some times where things are really going wrong,and things dosen't work out the way you want it to,such things do happen,at this such times,pessismist is something that always appear.But i thought each day was a choice of whether you wanna be happy or depress.So why not be happy instead?I know it may be hard,but at least, give it a try(:
@ 10:45 PM
Guides this morning,honestly, it's quite sian~went home at about 12.45 pm.Hiazee, late dismissal again...It's really a tiring day,the main reason would problably be lack of sleep.Cause i din sleep well last night,in fact, i think i only sleep for about 1-2 hours lorx...Also, i am use to waking up late in the morning.*yawnShall end this post,i'm real tired.
Friday, November 03, 2006 @ 5:42 PM
Guides tomorrow,8am to 12nn,i wonder if i can wake up worx...'cause i wake up really late nowadays.About 1 week of the holidays have gone,real fast.Better start doing all the holiday assignments.Chiong during the last minute is a bad habit.(though i don't know i always do that last time)back must get rid of it(i'm almost gotten rid of them:D)Hiazee, holidays sometimes may get quite boring,nothing to do.nothing much to keep me occupied.my eyes are so stress now,guess that's too much of computer time.post till here,gonna give my eyes a break(:
Thursday, November 02, 2006 @ 4:02 PM
1. Start Time: 16552. Name: Hin Ye3. Nickname: -4. If you were a skittle what colour would you be? : purple5. Chinese Zodiac: rooster6. Horoscope: pisces7. Hair color: dark brown-black8. Eye Color: brown9. Height: 166 :)10. Favourite color: black, purple, white, grey, blue11. Glasses? : yepp12. Braces? : no need:)13. Piercing/tattoos? : nuh...14. Pet? : hamster!!! chinchilla!!!***HAVE YOU EVER***17. Cut your own hair? : obviously yes18. Did you do something in the past month that you have regreted? : yar...think so20. Hugged someone who isn't your g/f or b/f? : my parents lar, DUH21. Skipped school? : think so...22. Bungee jumping? : no23. Jumping off a building? : no...would i still be here if i ever do that...24. Dumped someone? : no25. Been arrested? : no...i've done nothing bad26. TP'd someone's house? : huh???27. Won something? : yar30. Been rejected? : no31. Been to a funeral? : yeah, it's a sad thing32. Used a lighter? : yeah33. Been on stage? : obviously yes***FAVOURITE***34. Season: autumn:) winter35. Food: japanese:)36. Ice cream Flavour: berries, vanilla, etc.37. School subject(s): none38. Person: my parents41. Book(s): lots42. Movie(s): lots43. Songs(s): true light44. Park: dunno?45. State: dunno?46. Places: singapore? some other country.47. Sport to watch: got what then watch what lor49. Bands/musicians: erh...50. Letter(s): dunno.51. Restaurant(s): mushroom pot, coca, fugi52. Cartoon Character: looney toons?53. TV station: animal planet de54. Name for son: haven't thought that far...55. Name for daughter: haven't thought that far either.***YOU PREFER***56. Chocolate/Vanilla? : chocolate58. Long relationships or short? : long59. Dogs or Cats? : dogs60. Scary movies or comedies? : actually both also can lar61. Short hair or long? : LONG!!!62. Crouton or bacon bits? : both63. Kissing or hugging? : depends***FIRST THING THAT COME TO MIND***64. Mexicans: Mexico65. School: haunted...66. Grass: plants67. Cow: cows grazing on the field68. Canada: autumn leaves69. Mouse: rodents70. Hands: elegant?***THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU***71. Watch a Movie? : no72. Talked on the phone? : no73. Cried? : no74. Threw Up? : no75. Drank a glass of water? : obviously have76. Done drugs? : i don't take drugs77. Read a book or mazagine? : yeah78. Watch TV? : yeah79. Looked in the mirror? : yeah80. Taken a shower? : yeah81. Taken a picture? : with the handphone?82. Listen to music? : yeah83. Kissed someone? : no84. Told someone you like them? : noChoose ten lovely people to do this quiz:anyone:)
@ 2:53 PM
For your reference for the songs:pink: japanese songblue: english songorange: korean(goong) songgreen: chinese song(though i haven't put any chinese songs yet, but will soon:D)yellow:mainly music(gonna be added:D)
@ 2:48 PM
Made some changes to my blog...1. i changed my blogskin.2. i removed the blog song.3. added songs.Removed the blog song cause i wanted to be able to listen to more songs without needing to open a lot of new windows. Quite a lot of songs now, but i will continue adding de, but i won't burst my blog lar.Hmm, this blogskin is quite good, and nice(:
Wednesday, November 01, 2006 @ 11:58 AM
I juz posted some doggie pictures from photobucketAll the other dogs are juz some of my favourite ones,but the one on the 'desires' is the dog i wanted the most,the Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (:
@ 11:34 AM


American Foxhound

Australian Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd Laekenois

Belgian Shepherd Tervuren

Bernese Mountain Dog

Border Collie

Bull Terrier

Finnish Spitz

German Shepherd Dog

Great Pyrenese



Norwegian Elkhound

Rough Collie



Shetland Sheepdog

Shiba Inu

Siberian Husky

Tibetan Mastiff

Smooth Collie
@ 11:07 AM
I changed my blog song!!!It not a song lar, it only a piece of music.but it's nice(:Took a long time searching for a blog song,i was like keep copying and pasting code and previewing(hearing what the song sounded like)Until i found this music and thought that it was actually quite nice.The previous song was like a bit "sian" lar,keep listening to the same song over and over again.so i decided to changed,but the problem is that i don't know what song to change,yar, so like juz copy and paste music code,and see how the song sounded like.i finally found a song that i like(:
@ 10:59 AM
Paiseh to all the 1e2 ppl,didn't mean not to go to the bbq.Going there is not a problem,but coming back is.Can't ask my dad to fetch(which i thought he can)but my dad came home really late,and i can't possibly take mrt or other public transport,by the time i arrive,it would be midnight lorx...But if there is one next year(hopefully)i think i will talk to my dad earilerso that he can fetch me home.there are still other reasons. . .